Ami Laws, M.D. Concierge Internal Medicine, Diabetes and Geriatric Care Adjunct Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
Concierge Medicine Concierge or retainer medicine is a membership program that allows Dr. Laws to limit her practice to a very small number of patients in order to provide enhanced services that are not possible in a traditional practice. The benefits include:
Personalized care
Same day appointments or walk-in visits, exclusively with Dr. Laws
Email, phone or text messages directly to Dr. Laws, even on evenings and weekends
Coordination of all your specialty, emergency and inpatient care
Referrals to the best subspecialists in the Bay Area
Annual comprehensive medical review and physical examination
Focus on prevention, including genetic screening
Management of your health needs when you are traveling
Compassionate care for your loved ones if you live out of the area
Home visits for elderly patients with complex medical problems.